Why We’re The #1 Provider of Medical Websites

We design websites that attract new patients and boost referrals. See why we've been trusted to design more than 14,600 websites for Healthcare practices like yours.

Learn more about Officite

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What do we provide?

Responsive Design

Products to Increase Your Google Ranking

Less than 10% of people look past the first page of search engines. Rank higher with the help of a Google-Certified team of optimization experts.

Search Engine Optimization

Dedicated Web
Presence Advisors

Every client receives personal attention from an online marketing expert. We aren't salespeople; we're consultants.


Why do Medical Practices Choose Officite?

Over the past 15 years, Officite has been trusted to design more than 14,900 websites for practices like yours.

Sample Customizable Designs

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The complete online marketing solution for your practice.

Responsive Design

Responsive Mobile Websites

Customizable designs coded in Google's preferred style, delivering perfect performance on every device.

Search Engine Optimization

Search Engine Optimization

Earn higher rankings in organic search engine results, leading to more clicks and more appointment requests.


Patient Education

Boost treatment acceptance and prevent complications with an online library of HD videos & learning tools.

Responsive Design

Reputation Tracker

88% of consumers trust online reviews as much as personal recommendations. Build better ratings for your practice.

Search Engine Optimization

Google Advertising

PPC ads curated by a Google Partner, guaranteed to provide near-instant first-page placement.


Social Media

Generate more referrals with Facebook, Twitter, and optional blogging packages to connect with patients.


Our Newsletter

Responsive Design

Employee Advocacy on Social Media

You couldn't run your practice without your dedicated team of employees. Why should it be any different with your social media presence?

Search Engine Optimization

Reach Millennials on Social Media

Millennials (born 1980 to 2000) are the "always-connected" They make-up about 80 million people in the USA and have an estimated $2.45US trillion in spending power.


How Title Tags Benefit Your Website

These experts agree that a strong SEO strategy is more important than following the latest trend. Meta tags are the foundation of on-page SEO, title tags being the most important.

Get Started Today